Feb 27, 2012

Kevin Costner's Ghost was Wrong!

Field of Dreams was truly an inspirational movie. It touched upon our childhoods and the belief that traditional values still hold a powerful hold in our hearts. Many companies still have that belief. Let's just continue to market out good and services the old fashioned way (or should I say ole timey or old school). many companies still believe that if they build it, they will come. Keep pumping the financial coffers for huge budget ads, branded entertainment or worse yet a life saving social media plan. Well folks.....Kevin Costner's ghost was wrong. In fact, he was a big fat liar.

Traditional marketing techniques will always hold precedence over the fuzzy analytics of social media. The research behind them are solid, they work, and they can be measured. Digital media is now the loud mouthed step child that has a point. Consumers have more control in what they want and have become delightfully vocal in telling us. Ad banners on websites are not enough to catch their interest; they want more engagement with tactile benefits. That takes work. You can't expect a 40K - 60K return on a well developed social media plan for the next quarter.

Social media is about relationships with your consumers. It is about sharing more information with them than the next product launch. Give the consumers something to chew on. Give them the information to make better decisions or get save money. Show them how to conduct research on the next big investment in their lives. Don't forget to make them laugh and show them some fun. Contests are still good if the prize is worthwhile. Don't lie, don't scam, spam or be socially unaware of your consumers needs and values. Please remember that it is a slow process. Aye, there's the rub. That stupid ghost never told you that, did he?