Dec 3, 2011

‘62 Reasons’ Gets Integrated

Whilst investigating the IMC playing field this week I came across:  “62 Individual Reasons to Drink Coopers 62”  an integrated campaign granting the audience access to explore all 62 individual reasons to drink the beer, through a range of interactive and traditional channels.

The campaign has been executed across print, online, interactive billboards, Facebook & Twitter, online video and point-of-sale material within bottle shops, bars and clubs. 

The ad agency responsible for the campaign even created a new website allowing users to navigate through video of all the different reasons, explore them in more detail and share them directly through Twitter and Facebook.

I like the IMC component of the PR mix. Not only are there loads of really interesting tools to discover and play with, but with daily advancements in digital and social media – any idea can be brought to life, targeted and measured in really specific ways.

Dec 2, 2011

BE Comes to Life at NYU-SCPS (Part II)

NYUSCPS's first-ever Branded Entertainment 
course comes to a close
Students bring IMC to life with web series concepts for megabrands Axe and Starbucks 
(Part II )

(Part II) Starbucks introduces Sessions in the City, a web series of several chapters. The series will speak directly to our customers because the main characters are actual characterizations of people who drink Starbucks on a regular basis.

One of them is a successful businessman who speaks to the business professionals who lead successful lives with active social lives and status. The other character is a younger woman who represents the younger demographic -- the person who is looking to Starbucks not only for the coffee, but for the overall lifestyle/experience that comes while drinking the coffee.

Sessions in the City is an exciting new series that will continue to expand the Starbucks brand.* 

(* This is a fictional web series concept for Starbucks. The web series description was created by NYU-SCPS students as part of a final project for a Branded Entertainment class.)

BE Comes to Life at NYU-SCPS (Part I)

I'm going to come clean:  I'm feeling proud today.

My Branded Entertainment class did final presentations last night. With six students and two finals groups, this was my inaugural class, after pitching the idea and developing the course from scratch.

Not to get all sentimental, but you never forget the "first" of anything. Your first date, first kiss, first apartment .. you get it.

How does this relate to PRFandP?  First, we've briefly covered how BE fits into the overall IMC mix. Next, being the "first" of anything often means that the topic is newsworthy.

NYUSCPS's first-ever Branded Entertainment 
course comes to a close
Students bring IMC to life with web series concepts for megabrands Axe and Starbucks 
(Part I)

(Part I): The web-series, Spritz, is a branded entertainment series which takes place in a fictional Axe office.  The series intends to deliver the “hit you over the head” message that Axe Body Spray will give you confidence and allow you to “hook up.”  

The series will be a comedy done in Xtranormal, with a deliberate emphasis on Axe products. Usage of conversational placement and product placement will be integrated throughout the series.   

The trailer episode features employees at Axe tasked with a project to create a dating game show themed around Axe Body Spray.*

(* This is a fictional web series concept for Axe Body Spray. The web series description was created by NYU-SCPS students as part of a final project for a Branded Entertainment class.)

All I want for Christmas!!!

I am head over heels in love with Christmas. I have been since I was 2, and unlike most people my level of enthusiasm and excitement has actually grown with age. This season I was excited to see the collaboration of Mariah Carey and Justin Bieber on Carey's original "All I Want for Christmas." After our class two weeks ago, I couldn't help but be distracted by the brand placement and product placement throughout the video. I must admit, when the original song first came out, I too made a music video for the song in my basement (it was cool back then) and I personally my video was much better with out the obvious brand placement! In the latest rendition of the song, I am particularly partial to the Nintendo 3DS shot that just so happens to be strategically placed while Biebs is singing..."all I want for Christmas is you..." Coincidence? I think not.

What do you guys think?

Dec 1, 2011

Why Iceland makes the ultimate public relations icebreaker

 When doing public relations, few things help more than having something truly unique to sell to the audience.
  I've noticed that Iceland is a subject which never fails to wow people. Over the years, many people have raved about how singular the place is. The country has striking geography, between fjords, glaciers, geisers, lava fields, volcanoes, geothermal eddies, and scenic mountains. Iceland is also famed for its long summer days, and brillant northern lights during its lasting winter nights. Its Viking heritage dates back to 874 A.D., the year the country was founded.  The nation's language has changed very little since then.
 Iceland is also noted for its unusual cuisine, clothing (especially colorful sweaters called lopapeysa), and the vibrant nightlife of its capital Rekjavik.  I never been to Iceland. Over the years, I've met about 10 people who have traveled there. They all told me about the great visit they enjoyed.
 When I was working at Passaic Valley Today newspaper, I interviewed a person over the phone who incidentally mentioned he went to Iceland.  We spent more than a half hour talking about the country. The man had spent about week in Iceland. Even though it was a year after his trip, he still got carried away when recounting the adventure. What impressed me is how moonstruck this person sounded when discussing Iceland's "fire and ice" landscape. His voice repeatedly bubbled with excitement when he described the glaciers, fjords, and volcanoes he saw. His awe reminded me of a scene in the original Adventures of Superman when George Reeves crashed through a wall, drawing utter surprise from the crooks.
 Do yourselves a favor and watch the Reykjavik, Iceland video. See for yourselves how such an imitatable place as Icleand makes such a standout public relations subject. Who knows? Maybe you'll be sold on travelling there someday.    

The PR Word Cloud

Have you heard of a word cloud? Some of them are quite ornate and beautiful.

The Public Relations Society of America last week launched a crowdsourcing project called #PRDefined. Based upon the current results, I'm not so sure I agree with the four top words. What do you think?

Have a little fun and create your own word cloud.

Nov 29, 2011

Button Your Eyes with

Just like Lady Gaga’s “Make My Monster”, Coraline had an interactive website where you could have your eyes buttoned.  If you haven’t seen the movie, it’s about a little girl who’s somewhat neglected by her parents.  She finds a secret passage way that leads her to a life identical to her current one, only everything is so much better, or so it seems.  

She has the same mother, who is called her “other mother”, but the other mother wants to turn Coraline into a doll and tries convincing her that her eyes should be buttoned shut using needle and thread (kind of a morbid kids movie!).  

If you go to "enter site" above the DVD, you can go into the house and button your own eyes. 

Xtranormal gives humor an abnormal edge

 Those who think Xtranormal's media applications are strictly informational better guess again. I found that these flat speaking robots cracked me up in a You Tube video entitled A Typical NYPD Auxiliary Conversation. The video revolves around two Xtranormal figures who satirically talk about the drawbacks of the NYPD Auxiliary.  Let me put it to you this way. This video will make you laugh. It will probably make you think twice about joining the NYPD Auxiliary. Furthermore, it will definitely show the Xtranormal medium can be used in an entertaining way. That's why I think there is more potential for this mode of communication than people realize. 

Nov 27, 2011

Imaginative Marketing

I was thinking about the marketing efforts behind the album "Memoirs of An Imperfect Angel" by Mariah Carey. 

Her record label had the idea to incorporate her tastes with advertisements that were included inside the CD booklet.  It hadn't been done before and with the hit CD sales have taken, this was a great way to increase their return revenue. The 34 page mini mag used ads that fit in with her image and included: 

Elizabeth Arden ads        
The company that sells her perfume
Angel Champagne          
Limited production drink endorsed and invested in by Mariah with prices ranging from $800 - $400,000 a bottle
Carmen Steffens shoes   
Shoe line currently ranging from $59 - $140. Of course Mariah's shoes were $848 and adorned w/ Austrian crystals
Eleuthera, Bahamas       
Contest to win a trip to one of Mariah's favorite destinations

Brilliant.  By the way, I love this woman :)