Oct 16, 2011

Blog Power

My fellow [PRFandP]’ers,

I have a confession to make: I’ve seriously underestimated the power of Blogging. And that’s not all.

I now understand the importance of writing to a potential audience of zero, meaning that the sheer act of writing alone, putting all those thoughts down in a clear, non-convoluted way is really important.

Using your voice, whether it’s heard or not. Doesn’t matter – blog it!

The humility that comes from writing it/the meta-cognition of thinking about what you are going to say/forcing yourself to become part of the conversation…"

God I LOVED that video. And Mr. Siegel – what an inspiration: “Building humanity into Communications”.

Yup, I’m inspired.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I kept thinking about Joy’s presentation all week. I’d catch myself giggling over all the corporate B.S buzzwords I’ve heard over the last 10 years.. It’s actually really funny when you think about how they ‘spring up’ outta nowhere, then all of a sudden become super impressive and everyone is throwing one in an email (guilty as charged).

The links provided in the learning module were great – I really enjoyed Mashable because:

  • The Facebook social plug-in was a great personal touch. I felt connected right away
  • Visually I enjoyed the layout of the “News”. A decent size preview pane without information overload is appreciated
  • It’s modern, I really dig the overall feel of this page

Some final thoughts from me on Week 2:

God it hurt to cut out those fluff words when working on our web content! How about you? Did you over analyze every sentence like I did? Did you feel a little naked, like "Is that it? Is that all I’m really going to say…?"

On that note - I'm out ;)

See you all Monday.


  1. I'm struggling with my blogger formatting today, have had to post this a few times and keeps getting all mushed up!

  2. Yes, I felt naked! And It took a while to complete because I kept editing and editing. Then when I was done I thought, there is no way Professor Chandler will believe I put work into this because it reads as entirely too simple!

  3. Here's the dirty little secret.

    If the content is clear -- AND honest, straightforward and true to the business, then I'll know that you put time and effort into the Assignment.

    Clear writing isn't easy!

    Keep this in mind. There's a difference between "simple" and "clear." Our objective is to create clear writing that conveys brand, depth and strength.

    Clear (vs. simple) writing allows us to guide an audience. They'll just "get it," without having to dig through editorial junk and clutter.

  4. Nicole, I like the way you wrote your post, I can feel your honesty!! I also like your quote: "Using your voice, whether it’s heard or not. Doesn’t matter – blog it!". Just like you, I didn't think blogging was that important in the communication industry...I guess we were wrong!!

    Have you watched Seth Godin's video on blogging? He is such an inspiration: "Everyone should blog, it doesn't matter how many people read your post. If you are good at it, some people is going to read it. If you are not good at it and you stick with it, you will get good at it!".

    How simple this is!
