Oct 8, 2011

Joy Bergmann Kicks Off PRFandP Guest Speaker Series

Introducing Joy Bergmann, our first guest-star in the Fall 2011 PRFandP Guest Speaker Series.

Joy, with more than 20 years of communications experience, will lead The Clear Writing Workshop. Everything you do in PR and in this class centers around  writing -- in Word and online -- and I'm a big fan of crystal-clear prose.

The Clear Writing Workshop features a mix of lecture, editing exercises and group webcam discussion.

After Monday's class, you'll think twice about using words like "innovative," "solution," "cutting-edge," "world-class," "revolutionary," "best practices," "leverage," and my two personal favorites: "At the end of the day" and "unique." 

This will be Joy's second foray into the digital classroom, and she agreed to do this only if I was never more than five feet away. Fingers crossed for a strong Internet connection, active webcams and no Wimba outages.

Joy's looking forward to sharing her approach to creating "lean, muscular, flab-free" writing.

Joy's CV is in Epsilen's Resources section.


  1. I'm really looking forward to experiencing Joy Bergman's Clear Writing workshop. I get a kick from cracking down on exageration. All hype does is tear credibility to shreds.
    It reminds me of a blurb I heard in the news two years ago about President Obama's heavy use of the word "unprecedented" when talking about his goals for the presidency.
    You can call this class segment "The Joy of Exposing Hyperbole" without stretching the truth.

  2. I am also looking forward for tonight's class. Since English is my second language, working on my writing skills is a big work in progress:)

  3. I'm excited for tonight's writing workshop. When it comes to writing, there is always room for improvement. I look forward to the editing exercises!
