Oct 24, 2011

Objectives, Strategy and Tactics in Angry Birds

After class last week, I decided to unwind with a glass of wine and a game of Angry Birds. Is anyone else addicted to this game?

It was during this game that I thought about objectives, strategies and tactics. Almost everything you do in life, including every game has these three components, so what would they be for Angry Birds?

In the game of Angry Birds, you fling these birds in the air with your finger, using a sling, to kill pigs that are sitting on the ground. The birds are angry because the pigs stole their eggs, so they're trying to kill the pigs. The person playing the game is the birds.

• Kill the pigs who stole your eggs.
• Get the golden eggs.

• Aerial strikes with a boomerang, using your finger.

• Use different types of birds to kill the pigs. Each bird in Angry Birds has different stengths. Red birds are good for distance attacks, yellow birds are good for attacks that require focus and strength. Blue birds are good for killing multiple pigs at once. Bomb birds blow up and are good for destroying wood and metal that's hiding a pig. Boomerang birds are good for killing from side angles. Big red birds are powerful and good for destroying metal and wood as well.

• Attack using different angles. Killing the pigs requires accuracy. Use low and high angles depending on where the pig is on the screen, and whether the pig is exposed or not. Use these angles to hit tnt that can blow pigs up. Use the angles to split or weaken wood and metal that a pig is hiding under.

• Kill the pigs in a certain order using the best bird for each attack. If you use a bomb bird to kill one pig that is exposed, but you have four pigs hiding under wood and metal beams, that is a waste. Use the strongest pigs to get through wood an metal beams, then kill the pigs off with the weaker birds, once the pigs are exposed.

This game, with it's squealing pigs and angry sqauwking birds, is addictive!! Maybe this will help other addicts get through Angry Birds, which challenges you to use different strategies and tactics to kill those darn piggies!


  1. I am SO addicted to Angry birds! Loved your post it is so true.

  2. "If you use a bomb bird to kill one pig that is exposed, but you have four pigs hiding under wood and metal beams, that is a waste"

    You are too funny! Nice analogy. I love Angry Birds. It has a hypnotizing effect on me (enter black and white spinning wheels in my eyes... "must pass this board").
