Oct 16, 2011

Rule #3 - If it is possible to cut a word out, always cut it out!

First, I really enjoyed the Clear writing class! Writing is one of the most effective skills you can develop for expanding your leadership and impact on your brand (both personal and professional). 

Following last week’s workshop, I have also been thinking about the gold rules all week and I wrote on several subjects just to be up and running! The thought of starting my own blog was so exciting but I found myself asking... do these rules apply the same way online.

While PR changes with social media, the clear writing rules stay the same. Indeed, the essence is SUCCINCT. In an era where everything is short-cycle, fast-paced and where the information flows rapidly, writing should be clear and direct to gather attention. 

Challenging? Yes!!!

Flexibility in writing is certainly another asset for any professional in communication because of the diversity of platforms (websites, social networks, and blogs). Perhaps, also imagine small platforms like your smart phone. Have you ever thought about how the content has to be modified to fit on small screens or how it has to catch your attention even if you are walking your dog, your coffee in one hand, and reading the PRFandP blog on your phone in the other hand? 

Like one Mashable’s article says: “If web copy is skimming the cream off the top of the milk, mobile copy is skimming cream off of the cream.”

Just like Eric, I am a fan of Seth Godin! Hilarious and inspirational speaker, I am a true follower of his blog. Rule #3 in writing naked has indeed never been more perfect for the digital age!


  1. Melissa, I wish I'd come out with the title but it is Seth Godin's creative writing. It totally suited my post tho:). Everyone in the class should read his "writing naked" post on his blog. It makes a funny recap of the clear writing rules learned in last week's class.

    Thanks Emma for the comment!

  2. This an excellent post Josi - thanks so much for the tips. I have "joined" Seth's blog and newsletter updates and look forward to reading his "naked writing" post. It's funny because I mentioned "feeling naked" in relation to Assignment 2 without knowing Seth's advice on this! COOL! :)

  3. One of my problems is recognizing the need to be concise with my text in today's Internet age. As you all can probably tell, I love to write wordy posts. The upshot is that you can cover a lot of bases. The downside is that lenghtiness loses readership.
    Long articles are history in today's short attention span mobile world. Maybe it's about time I accepted that fact.
