Oct 18, 2011


We communications-types are the first to poke fun of the buzzwords. When overused, "Strategy" is still one of my favorites (along with "unique" and "at the end of the day"). And when feeling especially snarky, I'd coin the strategic plan-in-question a pure STRAGEDY!

This short clip spotlights a theme we talked about last night as it relates to PR planning  -- or any business-related activity (or personal, for that matter):  Tactics Without Strategy = FAIL!


  1. Tactics without strategy equals failure. although true, is not what I'm worried about. I'm more concerned about another important maxim about public relations: tacitcs without good strategy equals failure.
    I think most people get that having a plan paves the way for your courses of action to work. However, I think a larger percentage of us have a bigger problem conceiving an effective strategy, a well thought-out framework based on intensive research and good old fashioned homework. A lot of effort goes into a good PR strategy, a lot more than many of us realize.

  2. I posted a blog about a PR pitch gone wrong.

    They sent their pitch to as many bloggers as possible (tactic), regardless of the area the bloggers cover. When they did, it backfired. Their "stragedy" was in not knowing clearly what they wanted to accomplish.

    No strategy = how/why did you come up with this tactic in the first place?
