Nov 7, 2011

Keep it real!

To be honest, one of the reasons why I started my PR certificate with this PRFP class was because I had a hard time to clearly define Public Relations. I was far from thinking that the new PR definition could even exist. It only makes sense that engagement, transparency and authenticity will always lead to better relations and help building stronger reputations.

When you think about it, social media platforms are using the same rules. This phenomenon has profoundly changed the way we are using Internet by engaging in multiple personal interactions. These interactions, created by millions of people being linked together, are numerous one-on-one conversations. Also, these discussions have a very caring and personal side. Indeed, every time you “have a talk” with someone on a social media sites, you are creating content that is genuine. Online platforms had opened communications and gave a gigantic power back to the audience; word-of-mouth has never been this puissant! As PR pros, we need to engage in it proactively and make people care about our voice. The thing is people don’t talk about things they don’t care about. So it is up to you to make them care, which means you have to care first.

For an organization, having an authentic voice and not sounding too corporate, specifically on these platforms, is essential. In order to do this, an organization must develop a voice that resonates with its audience. Understanding there values and opinions is an incredible asset that will help you sharpen every piece of content you produce.

In conclusion, just like this blog, we should try to keep it real. I would like to get your opinion on this matter and how easy/hard this can be. It is essential to fully understand the power to authentically speak up as both, a member of a specific audience and also as a PR pro.

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