Nov 5, 2011

Rolling with the punches

I hope everyone has had a great 2 weeks! I feel like we haven't met in ages.

I have worked briefly in PR, I have gotten my feet damp in with PR world and so far I have loved it. I am taking PR F&P to try to sharpen my skills and learn as much as I can. To my delight, this experience has been much more then I expected. Thus far I have learned and liked the following:

1) Working with a diverse and UNIQUE (yes...I said it) group of people. Everyone in the class brings something important and significant to the table. I find this relevant to the PR world because it is an industry where you will have to work with a wide variety of people. Through our weekly meetings and our group assignments we learn to work with people, which is hugely important.

2) The importance of writing, and writing creatively. Throughout my short career, I have found writing to be the hardest yet most important part. I am excited to improve my skills and keep learning.

3) Most importantly, this past week I learned a very important lesson...roll with the punches. Last week, while doing some work in my local Starbucks, I decided to take a brief bathroom break, I left my purse, jacket and computer on the table, stupid? Yes. Upon my return to the table, my laptop had been stolen, making it the most expensive bathroom break I have ever taken. Unfortunately, in the PR industry (and in life), crap happens, but the world does not stop and you must learn to roll with the punches.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend...and take all your belongings with you when you take a bathroom break.


  1. Rolling with the punches is an important quality, because it is a test of resilience. And you need resilience to bounce back from the setbacks that arise. That is especially true in PR and journalism, where you are working in the eye of the public.
    I'm sorry to hear that your laptop got stolen. It's a rotten thing for someone to do you.
    I hope you reported the laptop theft to the police, along with the device's serial number. That will give at least some chance of recovery. I wonder if your notebook had Lojack?

  2. Argh!!! Emma, I'm so sorry to hear about your laptop. Theft is horrible, and stealing a laptop for a public space like Starbucks is downright despicable. Plenty of bad karma will be following the thief for a long time!

    Yes, indeed, this is a diverse (and unique) group. From where I sit, it's refreshing to see everyone is committed and rolling with the punches vs. just "showing up."
