Dec 13, 2011

Pilot Public Relations Program for MBAs at NYU

The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) is leading an initiative to bring public relations courses to MBA programs, starting with Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business in 2012.  The goal is to take this program nationwide in 2013.

Why do MBA students need a public relations program?   Why should the PRSA include the NYU Stern School of Business in its pilot public relations program initiative?  What would an NYU PR course for MBAs entail?

Find out in my Pilot Public Relations Program presentation on slideshare:


  1. A simple, solid and compelling visual piece of storytelling.

    And thanks for posting to Slideshare. 'Sharing is Caring,' and it makes for easier viewing (without the download time on my laptop.)

  2. Susan, you did such a great job with this. I was extremely hesitant to upload and share mine after seeing yours, Tom's and Josi's. Well done.

  3. Susan, your 60 slide powerpoint flowed particularly well. Not only did the powerpoint tell the story, but it had nice rhythm. There was a good balance between textual and visual slides, which kept the powerpoint's momentum moving forward.
    If you ask me, you got it down pat, and you have nothing to fear from the final presentation.
