Dec 11, 2011

Positive Attitude Is Everything

As we prepare for our final presentations it is important to remember that positive attitude is everything! The audience is on your side and we all want you to succeed. If you see yourself doing well, you will do well. Shake off the jitters, nervous habits and negative thinking. Follow the lead of this little guy and BE HAPPY! Your enthusiasm will show throughout your presentation and get the audience excited as well. Enjoy the clip, you really can learn a lot from children ;-)


  1. Nice one, Shayla. Your audience is on your side, I'm on your side -- and Allie Chandler is on your side.

    We certainly can learn a lot from the young ones. Speaking of talented children, have you seen these babies?

    People typically fall into two camps re: this one. Love it or Hate it ("that's creepy") Where do you stand?

  2. Positive Attitude Is Everything ties in with one of my favorite sayings. The right frame of mind is the architect of success. If you tell yourself you can do it, you'll do it because you will find a way.

  3. I LOVE that Evian commercial! I think it's so cute and creative! So when I came across the Huggies ad, I had to use it in my post somehow :-) I typically love any commercials with babies and ...unless it's linked to that show Toddlers & Tiaras. Those kids creep me out!
