Dec 11, 2011


I made some changes with you and the blog's purpose in mind.  I think I still have some time left with the title, so send feedback / criticism that would make this better for us.  After all, would it be crowdsourcing without gathering your ideas?  By the way, I added a picture of my dog Yoki because Allie is getting far too much airtime around here.   Here we go:

1). Added a Class Portrait of our PRF&P Family, and that Includes Allie C.  It visually shows:
     a). This is a student / teacher blog without a reader having to search for text to explain
     b). We are a close knit group despite our distance to each other

2).  Made it Evident that this is an NYU Student Blog by:
     a). Adding an NYU torch icon (favicon) that visitors can see near the URL
     b). Adding an NYU SCPS logo on the page

3).  Added Everyone's Email Address so you receive notifications of comments or entries.  This: 
     a). Encourages us to be involved in a way that is efficient.  Otherwise, we don't know when somethings added unless we constantly check

4).  Expanded Columns so More Information Fits on One Page.  Now we can read more with less scrolling

5).  Changed Background to Grey because: 
     a). The purpose of the blog is our PR related posts so the attention should be on them.  
     b). It's easier on our eyes for reading the posts

6). Shortened the "What is this About" Section (remembering the "fill the white space" syndrome)
     a). Makes visitors more likely to read that we are "PR students learning through an online course".  Too many words and people won't read them.  

I hope you like the changes :D



  1. Impressive work, Melissa. With each of your edits, you considered one or both of the following concepts:

    ** Niche Audience: Not only did you consider 'audience,' but you went a level deeper and considered the PRFandP audience. The blog feels more tailored -- unique (real definition) -- to our very own universe.

    ** Web Usability: Items 3-6, specifically, contribute to a satisfying online user experience.

  2. P.S.
    Allie is getting far too much airtime around here? Nonsense.

    That look on Yoki's face is priceless. Perhaps Yoki will make an appearance tonight?

  3. I would drop the word hesitant from the title of your blog. Even if you are hesitant, why advertise it? Why not replace "hesitant" with a more positive adjective, such as "inventive," "creative",or "daring"? After all, those kinds of words are far better from a PR perspective.
    By the way, I really like the class portrait which adds a personal touch. I like the grey background color, since it's easier on everyone's eyes. The expanded columns are a really good improvement to reduce scrolling. Adding everyone's email is an efficient change that keeps us in the loop about blog comments.
    So you see, you're doing a good job a crowdsourcer, and you truly have nothing to feel hesitant about.

  4. Thanks Tom! I actually added it as a joke because every week I avoided being crowdsourcer and I'm sure Eric noticed. Plus, when he chose me last week, asking who hadn't been crowdsourcer yet, my response was literally ".....". And he thanked me for volunteering lol So it's a little joke really. But I agree and like your suggestions. Confidence is key :)
