Oct 25, 2011

Assignment Four

Amazon isn't having such a great news day. Or is it?  It all depends upon which news outlet you read. Some lead with "Profits Down!" Others go with "Earnings Up!"  (Those with the positive angle may have better PR/journo relationships, huh?)

Regardless, the media attention makes stockholders nervous, especially when all eyes are on the tablet market, and holiday shopping season is just around the corner.

Apple's iPad vs. Amazon's Kindle Fire. I predict lots of corporate conflict on the PR playing field.

Here's Assignment Four.

You're in Amazon's Corporate Communications department. Your role is to develop a media relations program that downplays the financial news and focuses attention on your core objective:  generating awareness for and promoting sales of the Kindle Fire.

  •  Create and briefly explain a newsworthy story angle. There's lots of fodder here, so you use a combination of research, creativity and strategy to develop a tight, focused story angle. Consider all possible audiences who are tied to the Kindle Fire (e.g., consumers, retailers, manufacturers, etc.) 
  • Write the press release
  • Draft a brief email pitch targeted to a specific, appropriate media outlet (you do not need to specify the reporter/editor/blogger)
  • Based upon your media relations strategy, explain why this media outlet is the most appropriate target for the story


  1. I think Assignment Four makes a dandy exercise for all PFR&P students. It gives us valuable practice honing our strategic communications skills. One key ability is knowing how to develop good news to outshine unfavorable happenings.
    This ties in with something I learned this spring in Advanced Public Relations. Prof. Brickman taught us it is important to avoid being negative at all costs. She also showed us examples of how corporate PR can trumpet the good over the bad.
    For example, a press release may contain 10 to 12 paragraphs over the release of a new product. Then at the end, there's barely one paragraph about quarterly profits being down.

  2. This is going to be an exciting and rewarding assignment--especially for newbies to PR like myself. Although I have never written a press release, pitch or developed a media relations strategy, I welcome the challenge! I must admit, I might have to call in for back up on this one (hello group member/special guest speaker Tom:).

  3. LOL @Shayla! So true and second everything you say. We are certainly in for a challenge this week but I am ready to roll up the sleeves and get stuck into it! Thanks for more great advice Tom.
