Oct 25, 2011


(This is not the Assignment Four post)

Between now and the end of the term, we're going to experiment with a more forward-thinking communications program: crowdsourcing.  The animated video will introduce the concept.

Our crowdsourcing task:  Design PRFandP (the blog). 

My kick-off blog post said that I wouldn't dictate the design because I'm both a contributor and a participant -- just like the rest of you. The objective is to create a PRFandP design that reflects each person's contributions. We, as a group, will shape a design that reflects our unique (real definition) class dynamic.

Some love the crowdsourcing concept, and others hate it. I'm not sure how it will play out, though I'm eager to test it out as a New PR activity. We can decide for ourselves.

The concept is a little "squishy," but let's give it a shot. This is what we're going to do:

  • Each week, I'll grant one person "Administration" rights. That means you'll have the ability to access PRFandP's design dashboard. Sonia is this week's Crowdsourcer.
  • Design applies to anything on PRFandP -- other than the posts and the content. Content is off limits. What we enter into the content fields will always remain, regardless of the design.

    Design applies to background, logo treatment, color, text style/size, blog layout and any other blog design-related features. Feel free to incorporate anywhere from 1 - 4 design edits when you are the designated Crowdsourcer.

Between now and the end of the term, PRFandP will take on an entirely new look and feel, based upon our contributions. We have no idea how it will turn out, but each of us will add to the former Crowdsourcer's additions to create a design that is the sum of all of our parts.

If you're still a little confused (and that's OK), Jeff Howe -- the guy behind the crowdsourcing concept -- will explain further:


  1. I never head of crowdsourcing before, yet I already think its potential is oceanic. Crowdsourcing's open call to a vast group provides far more resources than the designated employee could ever supply.
    The Internet based open call summons countless people with countless mindsets, skills, and talents. This sea of wherewithal will drown out even the most multifacted designated employee.
    On a related note, now I'm starting to see just how special the PRF&P class is. This isn't just a PR course. It's a future oriented workshop for strategic communications. You learn about the tools and trends that will dominate tommorow's public relations.
    To me, the effect that PRF&P has on me can be best described like this. The Steve Miller Band's Fly Like An Eagle song is playing. When you hear, "Time keeps on slippin' slippin' slippin' into the future", you feel like saying, " So what? I keep on runnin', runnin' runnin' ahead of the curve."

  2. Our PRFandP Crowdsourcing experiment is now in full swing. Note how our very own crowdsourcing has shaped our course blog.

    ** I developed the blog concept, selected the platform, the framework, the initial layout and the kick-off post.

    ** I put a call out to the crowd for possible names, and Nicole's contribution added a new layer. The "course blog" became PRFandP: Documented Proof You Can Learn This Stuff Online.

    ** This week, Sonia took the first step toward reshaping PRFandP's design into something more visually appealing.

    What's next? I've no idea. That will depend upon which of you is next week's designated Crowdsourcer.

  3. ohhh how exciting! I came across this concept when researching for Assignment 3. I actually posted a pic on my facebook page about 2 weeks ago titled "Solidarity" which completely fits with the first crowdsourcing video analogy.. I'll post it up here so you can see..
