Oct 16, 2011

A Former Student's Site Overhaul

Odd coincidence.

Last Tuesday, just a day after you started working on Assignment Two, I got an email from Melissa Ng, a former Using Public Relations as a Marketing Tool student.

Melissa and her sister own PianoVerse, a small business in Jackson Heights. Melissa is a passionate musician and an eager entrepreneur.

This class didn't do the web writing assignment, but Melissa wanted to share the latest version of the PianoVerse site based upon our class efforts.

Specifically, PianoVerse revamped the company name/tagline (old version above). This shift changed the overall brand message, which then trickled into the site's new, fresh copy.

A couple of observations:
  • Home Page: The new name/tagline combo is succinct and descriptive. It essentially represents the core message of the entire home page.
  • About: I like how the tagline smoothly integrates into the PianoVerse mission statement.


  1. No such thing as a coincidence right? What a gorgeous webpage. Aside from the aesthetics of the new site (love the purple) you can really feel that this is their passion. It's beautiful.

  2. Visually the site is beautiful! I love the colors and the layout is very well organized. The about us is clear and also welcoming, which is what you want for someone who is possibly trying something out for the first time to feel. Because anything new can be intimidating. The cutesy art (round cartoon heads and music notes) keep the site from taking itself too seriously. It makes me wish I still lived in Jackson Heights so I can learn piano too!

  3. I like the purple and the closeup of the hands on the piano. It visualizes the essence of PianoVerse. I like the About Us statement even better. It details PianoVerse's mission, and is also warm an inviting.
    I think a congenial feeling in a mission statement is vital to attracting business. Potential clients want to feel the company welcomes them. A great way to do that is put a lot of heart in the mission statement.
