Oct 10, 2011

The New 'It" Drink - Coconut Water

Have you fallen into the Coconut water craze? I’ve become a huge fan of the hydrating beverage! After all the buzz surrounding the drink in recent months, I finally decided to try it when I couldn’t get rid of a hangover. Needless to say, it worked and I’ve coined it the best “hangover cure” so far.

This post is not to glorify drinking, but I enjoy the occasional nights out on the town with my friends or boyfriend. I’m not in college anymore, so my days of being able to party are dwindling away – as my boyfriend and I say , “ we are getting too old to go out drinking all night because our bodies shut down the next day”. Then I found coconut water!

Lets be honest – coconut water is not targeted for partygoers. However, I know quite a few people who use it as a hangover cure. So, who are companies like Zico targeting? Originally, I figured active women (especially mothers) would be the biggest target audience. However, after researching the beverage, specifically the brand “Zico”, I learned that athletes are the target audience.

The Zico website says “As a company, we’re on a mission to tell the world that Mother Nature made a better sports drink, ZICO Pure Premium Coconut Water. We’re athletes. We drink ZICO daily (lots of it!), know it works and want to help others make the switch to ZICO too.”

I’ve had coconut water after a yoga class and while it re-hydrated me, I never thought of it as a sports drink. Ill stick to drinking Zico coconut water the morning after a dirty martini or two fights my body. Would it be so bad to mention the beverage as a hangover cure? Would it hurt or help the top coconut water brands?


  1. I think it could be worthwhile for companies like Zico to mention coconut water as a hangover cure, as long as they do so prudently.
    I mean that any company making that claim needs backup from medical or scientific studies. That goes directly to reputation and telling the truth.
    Any soft drink manufacturer making ads promoting coconut water as a hangover cure needs proof to win over skeptics and refute naysayers. Otherwise, it would be easy for cynics to allege that those believing in coconut water's anti-hangover properties are nuts.
    Meanwhile, empirical evidence of coconut water's post-drinking spree healing abilities would open up a whole new horizon for the product. Demand for coconut water, and sales revue, would likely surge.

  2. Great post Maya. The whole "Coconut Water Craze" has me intrigued also. I guess the sports drink genre is an initial tactic to break into the market because ‘healthy people drink healthy beverages’. I’ve noticed very high profile celebrities (Alex Rodrigues of the New York Yankees, singer Rihanna etc) promoting these drinks. My husband is into it. My 2 year old is asking for “daddy water”.. I’ve yet to jump on this coconut water ‘health’ bandwagon, but then again – I’m just now drinking daily Acai Berry Green Smoothies (you remember that Brazilian “miracle” berry beverage craze from a few years back) so perhaps it’ll take me a while to catch up
