Oct 28, 2011

Old and New Friends

It's the age of social media. Many companies, with this in mind, drop traditional pr tactics for the latest thing.

My mother would sing this song to me every time I came home from school and said I made a new friend. I'd be so involved with the new friend, I acted as if my old bestie never existed. "Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold!"

Yes, very Long Island suburban cheesy, but very true! Don't forget your old friends. Our buddies like CNN, New York Times and the Wall Street Journal still hold major weight. The best way to get to your old friends, is through traditional pr.


  1. I like where you went with this! And I love your mom for singing you that song :)

  2. I believe this adage holds true for many aspects of our lives. When something new and flashy appears, always remember and hold dear those that came before. It could be a friend, a good book, a good PR tactic or an old media contact. As we progress in our lives, we have more resources than we can count. Take it from someone who is unemployed. I rallied my old friends and new for help in this difficult time. Silver, gold or even lead, I still have them in my pocket.

  3. Your blog ties in with a tried and true old saying my father used to tell me when I was young. Don't burn your bridges. He loved to say this whenever I transitioned from an old job to a new one, or from one social organization to another.
    I think my father's advice and "Make new friends, but keep the old" makes a ton of sense. The more friends you have, the larger your social network is. The larger your social network is, the more human resources you have to help you look for a job, sound out an idea, give you advice about a problem, or even further a crowdsourcing attempt.
    It also works the other way. The more friends you have, the more people can come to you for help. This is a win-win because the more friends you aid, the more receptive they will be to lending you a hand when you need it.

  4. This certainly brightened up a dreary Saturday afternoon, Susan. Thank you.

    The message is an excellent reminder, and your content is a perfect example of a blog post's ideal focus and style. It's all about the tight angle and brevity.

  5. I loved your post as well! I like how it leads to want you want to say in few lines:). Perfect length for reading your post on my blogger apps!
