Oct 30, 2011

The Brainnnnnnnnstorm (in a spooky Halloween voice)

Similar to Melissa, I can be quite coconutty! This week I decided to write about what first came to mind when reading about crowd sourcing.

I find the idea of crowd sourcing to be similar to one of the most effect tools within a PR work place: Brainstorming.

When trying to pitch a new client, I find the most affect way to generate ideas and strategies is to pull together people from all over your company for a brainstorm. The ideas of 10 people are far greater then the ideas of 1. If you find yourself with no one to brainstorm with, you can also talk your ideas over with your friends and family.

It is also important to remember that there is no such thing as “stupid questions” or “dumb ideas”. A brainstorm should be a non-judgmental creative thinking space where all ideas are helpful.

For example, when generating ideas for our most recent assignment, a brainstorm would be very beneficial.

1 comment:

  1. One of my cherised sayings is "A mind is a terrible thing to waste." By that yardstick, It's many times worse to squander a good brainstorming session.
    And I think brainstorming produces more ideas due to group involvement. And the key world is group. After all, the more people you get putting in their two cents, the better payback you'll get through balanced feedback.
    Today's brilliant concepts pave the way to tomorrow's stellar innovations. So why not harness the igneous advantage of brainstorming?
