Oct 9, 2011

Rainbows....and Rainbros!

While I was doing my grocery shopping yesterday morning (and asking myself why I always go on weekends-ugh!), I found the subject of my first post on PRFandP. One People’s magazine and two packs of gum later, I finally got to the cash register. The best part in the story, my eyes were caught by this little red bag of funky, tasty and colourful candies with a label saying The Original…have you guess my subject of this week’s post?

This tinny pack of joy called Skittles was enough to send me back to my high school years when I could eat I-don’t-know-how-many bags a week! It also made me remember one of the most outstanding social media campaign: Have you experienced the rainbow? Numerous bloggers, social media sites and media have covered the new campaign and yet, no one is able to say if the nonsense thematic used is good, bad... or strange! Whether you visit the Skittlespage’s Channel on You Tube or watch their bizarre 30 seconds clips posted on their famous Facebook page, you will be forced to engage with the brand and more likely, you will remember it.

And what about their audience…in fact, who exactly are they targeting? I have myself experienced the rainbow and despite of the confusion feeling (!!) I got watching and playing with their clips, the key is here: I experienced and I played! Their prominent digital and viral marketing strategies are impressive; they create an experience for their audience using interactivity and originality. Website, Blog site, Twitter, Facebook, You Tube, everything has aligned to produce a colossal buzz and a tremendous amount of people’s reactions that you can read online, it is all over! From my opinion: whatever it is, whatever you think about it, whether it is stupid or genius, you will be talking about it without a doubt. This is probably why they have reached, up until now, more than 19 millions fans on Facebook... this kind of interaction on the web community is a remarkable achievement for everyone’s favorite candy company!!

Will you be able to resist....or will you be the next Rainbro?


  1. It's definitely a memorably colofrul commercial that leaves an indelible impression in your mind. The guy dressed up as cat licking "the rainbow" will defintely spark many a conversation. That is the objective of good advertising.

  2. I read your post over the weekend, but I just watched the video. I laughed, and then I thought to myself, "that's strange."

    Then, I looked down at my feline friend [her name is Allie Chandler, and she's been known to make surprise appearances in the Live Classroom] and wondered if she might like to lick a Skittle.

    I've never been a huge Skittles fan, but the campaign piqued my interest. I'll go seek out more videos. As a potential new customer/target, they're luring me in ...

  3. Granted, Skittles are not very popular in Australia so I'd not seen this before. I loved the You Tube clip. It got a little weird there for a while but had me in stitches. I really enjoyed your post Josiane and think you are spot on in terms of remembering a brand because of a quirky video like this. It's almost like an instant "coolness" factor through humor.
