Nov 25, 2011


Time for some PRFandP transparency. Have you ever been to a Black Friday Sale?  (Does this kind of thing happen in Canada?)

Think about Black Friday as it relates to a retailer's IMC efforts. The National Retail Federation estimates that the number of shoppers hitting stores today will be up 10 percent from 2010.

I've been bombarded with Amazon's Black Friday email direct marketing. Thanks to PR, Black Friday headlines dominate the news. You can't escape the sales promotions. And my cynical side wonders if WalMart's PR pros stage, post and promote some of the YouTube fight videos. 

Black Friday is big business, and retailers have been strategically planning IMC efforts all year long.


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  3. Eric, Americans are CRAZY! Here I said it!

    French Canadian tradition are very different than English Canadian ones. In Quebec, we have Boxing Day (on December 26th). But never I have seen such things. People getting punch, pepper spray, gun I each year, I can't believe it.

    I still remember that guy who died by being run over by people at Wal Mart...Well if Wal Mart uses that kind of publicity, they should review some Ethics rules.

  4. Well, this is the height of the marketing worlds stratagem. Convincing the general public that they need electronics, new clothing, etc. Americans are spoiled brats. Yes Josi, "holla atcho girl". I support your opinion. Somewhere in the divine gray matter that guides us and conducts electric currents, we are sidelined. You can say that the integrated marketing techniques used are quite effective. Create a buzz, promote positive word of mouth and advertise 'til the cows come home. Where does intelligent, critical thinking comes into play for the consumer? Come oooon!!!!! Mace?!!!! Is that necessary? Tailgating Best Buy a week in advance for a $200 flat screen tv?
    Americans are spoiled brats and have lost their minds. Somehow this has become more than powerful campaigns. It must be. The psychology of the American noggin has changed. I would imagine that in light of the bad economy, we would tough it out a bit during the holidays. Our grandparents during the depression had very little to share. They had to make do with what they had, even if it was nothing. I remember very bleak holidays in my childhood with nothing under the tree. We didn't even bother with a tree at times. Somehow, there is a sense of entitlement that goes beyond good marketing. I am certain marketers understand that, and use it to their advantage. High priced items are still pushed without much ado. Want a car? A diamond studded cat collar? With financing, all is possible. We need another good kick in the proverbial backside because this economy was just not sufficient to move us to good judgment. I'm disgusted...... let me unstress in my indoor jacuzzi and drink some Cristal.

  5. Josi you said it. Boxing day, which is widely celebrated both in Canada and Europe does experience the same type of behavior. Although I think that idea and issue of materialism and consumerism can be seen across the globe...these clips of fighting and pepper spraying the crowds all for a flat screen tv really sheds a new light on it all.

  6. I think the way Black Friday is going, retailers are going to have to do a special direct marketing campaign to consumers, not about their sales, but about how they expect their customers to conduct themselves. The incidents of boorish and criminal behavior are ruining the reputation of Black Friday.
    One thing the retail giants should do is forget about the ridiculous wee morning store hours. For example, Macy's opened on midnight, the very first minute of Black Friday. Three things are wrong with this. 1. Due to this unorthodox hour, there are more tired & surly customers, hence fights and worse. 2. The darkness gives cover for crooks to perpetrate parking lot robberies and assaults. 3. Super early Black Friday business hours encourages more cutthroat competition among stores. More and more retail outlets are going to be pressured to open at midnight, leading to more madness.
