Nov 26, 2011


I have received so many emails from Amazon, Overstock, Best Buy etc. that I want to scream! Direct Marketing is an effective but truly annoying technique :-P I would rather sift through mounds of paper advertisements and watch the same commercial over and over again than have a cluttered inbox--but that's just me. Macy's has done a terrific job with their Black Friday advertisements. Check out this video. Whether you love him or hate him, the commercial is hilarious, lol...

1 comment:

  1. I'm not a fan of JB, but this one cracks me up. I watched it earlier this week. And then watched it again. And then one more time.

    Consider Macy's, all on its own. What else did they do to promote Black Friday, which is little more than a kick-off to holiday shopping season?

    What about the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade? Do you think that's part of a bigger Black Friday program?
