Nov 20, 2011

Not a good day in the Pizza Kitchen.... Or was it?

If you’ve ever wondered what makes Domino’s pizzas so damn good, well, just hope it isn’t the less than savory ingredients that employees were caught adding to pizzas in this video.

This was an absolute PR nightmare for Domino’s. If there’s one video they didn’t want to go viral, this was it.  But thanks to the power of social media, the original video amassed millions of views and large media channels globally picked the story up.

Earlier this year Domino's launched a a bold campaign by running an electronic ticker in Times Square displaying in real-time what consumers really think of the brand (good, bad or neutral — on a 4,630 square-foot billboard) and it coincided with the below TV Campaign.. 

The campaign was a hit, increasing sales by double-digits in the first quarter it ran. Since then, Domino’s has continued to strive for transparency by vowing to use un-retouched pictures of its pizzas in its ads.

1 comment:

  1. Transparency is a great PR tool for bolstering the public's trust. It's the ultimate form of quality control. More consumers will think highly of your company if it gives them the opportunity to see its product preparation process.
    And posting customer feedback on a tickertape, or website, shows the public the company cares about them. Transparency is a hearts and minds winning way of increasing accountabily, a lesson that scandal stricken Penn State needs to bear in mind.
