Nov 13, 2011

PRFandP Curveball: New Comms Director on Board

Dear Agency PRFandP:

My name is Eric Chandler,  and I’ve recently been hired as the new communications director at (your Assignment 6 business).  From what I understand, your firm was working with my predecessor on social media recommendations to build up our overall PR/communications efforts.

Unfortunately, the person you were working with left the company unexpectedly last week, so I’m your new point-of-contact.

I’d like to set up a time to do a video conference with you on Monday, November 14.  Since I just joined the company, I haven’t had much time to review what we’re doing on the social media front.  Maybe you could briefly walk me through your thoughts on what we’re doing and how we can make improvements?

I know that the Agency PRFandP retainer ends at the end of the year, so I’m especially interested in hearing your ideas now as I start thinking about our 2012 communications efforts. 

I've always been a proponent of having agency support.  However, budgets are tight, as you know, so I'll need to evaluate whether to continue working with an agency or bring the work in-house.

I look forward to speaking with you on Monday.


Eric Chandler
Communications Director

(Nicole & Sonia have a "Get out of Jail Free" Card this week. Everyone else should be prepared to speak with the the client about what the company is doing now, share recommendations and answer questions.)


  1. Eric, do you mean the lovely Shayla has a get out of free card? You listed Nicole. No problem, my mother has similar cognitive issues....she's 80. I'll fedex some ginko to you. Hee, heee.

  2. That comment stopped me in my tracks, Sonia! Now that I downloaded the Blogger app, I can respond on-the-go.

    Correction: Nicole, Shayla and Sonia get the GOOJF cards.

    Well, Nicole and Shayla, anyway ....

  3. This is a really interesting curveball, because it gets us to talk about and think in terms of social media. We can all use practice at that. Social media plays a big part of online business strat com, and will play even a bigger part in coming years.
    We all need to be prepared. Point is, too many full time business people are not.

  4. I'm preparing anyway... I won't believe I'm off the hook until I press the "Close Classroom" button tonight haha
