Nov 13, 2011

Damage Control in 140 Characters

Here's a down-and-dirty crisis defintion: Anything but business-as-usual; A situation where business-as-usual often must be suspended.

BP oil spill ... Bedbugs infest movie theater ... office copy machine goes up in flames .... you get the picture.

When a crisis happens, communication with target audiences follows. But what happens when social media takes hold of the crisis and companies lose control of the message?

Next up in the PRFandP Guest Speaker Series this week is Tom Rozycki, a former CJP Communications colleague. Tom's a crisis communication pro -- and an amazing storyteller.

Here's a little information about Tom:

Name one thing most people don’t know about you.
I have set myself on fire twice.

How would your mother describe you?
My mother suffers from delusions of my grandeur...the site is not big enough for all the platitudes. However, in summary, she would say that I am kind hearted, considerate and a peace maker. She'd probably also tell you I was smart.

What are your greatest strengths as a public relations practitioner?
I know how to listen to, not just hear, what is being said. I also recognize that this is a 24/7 business, and that sacrifices will need to be made from time to time.

What is your favorite food?
Chicken Parm.

Who would play you in the movie version of your life?
Bea Arthur (but from the Maude days...not the Golden Girls.)
Seriously, though, I think Jack Black could handle it.

What is your favorite quote?
Learn to swim before the ship sinks. -Thom Yorke

(** Q&A compliments of the CJP Communications website)

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic - look forward to hearing from you Tom. Be warned.. we are not a shy bunch. Keep one eye on the chat box at all times ;)
