Nov 13, 2011

Sculpting Ice Hotel Facebook Page

Starting its twelfth year of operations, Ice Hotel Quebec is a unique concept in North America. Several artisans with a solid technical expertise related to the creation of structures of snow and ice make Ice Hotel a well-recognized team around the world. Ice Hotel Quebec is a concept that features 36 rooms and suites with beds entirely make of ice but lined with deer furs and covered with mattresses and Arctic sleeping bags. Amenities also include an art gallery, a nightclub, a coffee place, a movie theater, outdoor hot tubs and a 60-feet slide, all made of ice. Every year, the design of the hotel is changed and incorporates many features to keep visitors coming back. The Hotel de Glace is a major tourism destination in Canada.

Ice Hotel has built a basic social media presence that allows them to engage with their audience. However, I would recommend them some advanced Facebook tactics for embarking on one-on-one customer engagement:

  1. Creating off-topic or indirectly related content. Ice Hotel is only creating discussions about the Ice Hotel itself. This is a basic type of information to talk about but there is so much more they could share with their fans. Perhaps more facts about Quebec City, snow structures or even other Nordic countries could be added. It could help reducing community pages which take attention away from the main fan page where the interaction should be.

  1. By creating more multimedia content, perhaps more photos of events and encouraging their fans to tag themselves, Ice Hotel is making engagement. Promotional pictures are posted but other content like pictures posted by customers who lived the experience makes the page authentic. Multimedia can make your company appear friendlier. Videos and images show that the project is fun, that Ice Hotel care about their employees, and most importantly, that they care about their customers.

  1. By creating contest, Ice Hotel will transform fans in ambassadors. This is one way to excite their community by collectively creating ideas. Not only does a contest build buzz organically but a good social media contest should include some sort of sharing or “virality” as a requirement for winning. There is many type of contest Ice Hotel could craft:
    1. What’s your style? Since the Ice Hotel thematic and design changed accordingly each year, a contest could be created to encourage their fan to speak up.
    2. Work your artwork on ice which could be an ice sculpture idea contest. Fans could be challenging ice sculptors with their ideas.

  1. Finally, Ice Hotel Quebec should be tailoring their message on each of their social media platforms. Right now, the same content is posted on Twitter and Facebook which doesn’t make place for new conversations with their audience. Social media users of Facebook may be different than the ones on Twitter. Indeed, tailoring communications for each individual site makes the company’s voice more engaging, transparent and authentic.

In conclusion, Ice Hotel enjoys an amazing reputation internationally. Each winter, they are operating at full capacity. This Quebec base company should however fully take advantage of the social media power and build the tremendous word-of-mouth that this project is able to create.


  1. I bet you got the Ice Hotel idea from Iceland. In Reykjavik, there's a bar which is premised on the ice theme. I forget the name of it, but I saw it featured during a tourism video about Reykjavik.
    I think social media about the Ice Hotel should mention Quebec City and its features. For example, the Old City and The Petit Champlain Quarter, Place Royale, Chateau Frontenac, The Citadel, The Plains of Abraham and the Battle of Quebec, The National Assembly of Quebec,the Quebec City's Winter Festival etc. There's a lot of territory that can be covered here.

  2. Yep you are right Tom! There are many Ice structures around the world that are similar to Hotel de Glace in Quebec. The Ice Hotel idea is an one man enterprise and he got his inspiration from the Ice Hotel in the village of JukkasjÀrvi in Sweden. It is apparently the biggest one!

    Quebec City is a small city in Canada but really well-known for its history. There is no doubt that Hotel de Glace contributes to the reputation of this city. In fact, this attraction generates annually $10 million in economic benefits for the city, the region, and the country...and is only open 3 months per year!

  3. Great post Josi, really enjoyed learning about about Ice Hotel Quebec. I think you suggested some great tactics for them to improve their FB presence. It's amazing how many business are running fairly basic FB campaigns when there are so many applications & social plugins that require little effort or upkeep once implemented but make a drastic difference to the customer/visitor's experience of their page
