Nov 13, 2011

Surfing the Waves, not Internet


Saturdays Surf opened it’s doors in Soho in August 2009. Dedicated to the idea of surfing, living and working in New York City, Saturdays Surf began selling primarily surfboards and wetsuits. After a growth in popularity, they began selling books, art and other surf lifestyle accessories. Today, Saturdays Surf designs and produces a menswear line that is focused on quality, authenticity and the surfing lifestyle. Retail business aside, Saturdays Surf is also an espresso bar. The establishment has grown to be a popular meeting place for surfers, artists and influencers. 

Saturdays Surf currently has a basic Facebook and Twitter page, however they do not effectively or efficiently use either outlet. In order to ensure that Saturdays Surf is effectively using their social media outlets, I would recommend the following improvements and additional programs:

A New and Improved Facebook Page:
  • The new and improved Facebook page will include a personalized home page and basic company information 
  • Saturdays Surf homepage will take advantage of branding opportunities by tastefully branding their page with images of their logo, products and storefront 
Weekly Single
  • Currently, Saturdays Surf posts  different songs that they call, Today's Single. The Today's Single post occur at random and inconsistent times
  • Their new page will feature a Weekly Single that will be posted every Friday afternoon
 Facebook Surfing Video Competition

  • During the peak surfing months (June-November) consumers will be able to enter the Saturdays Surf Facebook Video Competition by submitting a video clip of a personal surfing adventure 
  • Facebook fans will be able to vote on their favorite video by 'liking' it
  • At the end of each month, the person who's video received the most 'likes' will get a $300 gift certificate to their store
  • At the end of the competition, all 6 semi-finalists will be automatically entered to win one grand prize, a new surfboard


Daily Wave/Surf Reports
  • Saturdays Surf Twitter followers will receive daily surf and wave reports (these will also be posted on their Facebook fanpage) 

Saturdays Surf is already a very popular retail store, design label and hangout, however by improving on their current social media strategy and introducing new programs their business would surely improve.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for your work on the Assignment 6 'Curveball,' Emma. Nice presentation, with lots of colorful detail. You definitely did your homework.
