Nov 3, 2011

Touching Base

Firstly - I’m on a power high from being granted administrator rights this week.  It’s a lot of fun, and there is so much we can do with this, our first crowdsourcing collaboration.  Working off Sonia’s base template, I’ve added a picture and a little welcome note which I would love for someone to either build on, or scratch completely with a new angle (perhaps a more serious or professional tone?).  Aside from a few layout and font tweaks, I’m saving the really cool stuff (here are some examples) for the next team mate to experiment with.

I came into this course looking for the ‘nuts & bolts’ of PR with a very limited understanding of the true scope and influence. 

What I like most about the industry so far: the platform it provides to encourage social & corporate change via the messages we put out there.

I’ve said it before but I am loving the authentic (yeah I know, buzzword alert) New PR approach. 

I dislike the concept of using ‘conflict’ tactics, but I think it’s down to an uneducated personal perspective and I would love to learn more about this area. 

An unexpected learning curve, but extremely rewarding one this early in the game, is our team project. Learning how to interact, negotiate, interpret and develop our PR Plan’s together is obviously such a necessity in the industry but something I didn’t factor, especially in the online learning environment. But I am very grateful for it.


  1. Enjoy that power high, Nicole. You have Administrator Rights until Monday evening, so by all means, if a new idea comes to mind, by all means tap into your Crowdsourcing role.

    Something to keep in mind: 'Audience' is always a priority. Since PRFandP is designed for an online audience, browsing habits are a consideration. We're sharing content, and we're also having a joint user experience' as members of the PFRandP community.

    For example, you incorporated a layout alteration that extended PRFandP's page width in a way that now requires bottom-of-the-page/side-to-side scrolling (on my browser, anyway). This is a new addition.

    Now, this isn't a web production course, and it's only Week Two of our Crowdsourcing experiment (i.e., PRFandP will experience many more changes between now and the end of the term), so I bring this up only to reinforce the concept of 'Audience' and the many ways we need to consider their needs.

    You mention 'conflict' tactics. Can you elaborate? I want to make sure that I understand what you mean here.

  2. Okay thanks Eric, I will play more with the design template - I wasn't sure how much I was able to change/input. Great tip about the page layout (width etc)I had no idea it would impact certain browsers. I will change that immediately!

    Conflict tactics in relation to "newsworthiness": (“If it bleeds, it leads”) and the idea of somewhat leveraging pain/mishaps or putting someone or something down in order to shed your client/organization in better light....

  3. I see that you're experimenting with PRFandP this evening. Very nice, Nicole.

    Ah, yes ... the conflict tactics. Unfortunately, when it comes to business, there are times when you have to sell against your competition. For the time being, let's not worry too much about those kinds of tactics. Let's make sure that everyone understands the basics before we go there.

  4. Nicole, great job with site, it looks amazing.

    I completely agree with you on conflict tactics, the idea of using pain, mistakes or conflict to leverage your competitive advantage is definitely uncomfortable.

  5. Hey Nicole,
    I have enjoyed what you have done wih the page. last night you were vigorous changing the look several times. I am not sure what Eric wants from us but I will add what I like or dislike for reference.

    > I like the lighter background rather than dark brown.
    > I enjoy the link to Ragan Communication.
    > I like the evolving about us section.
    > The boxes for older posts and about us are good for visual scanning.
    > The fonts are big and clear.
    > The smaller blog page works better than the bigger page using internet explorer.

  6. Nice job!

    I like the resource on the right hand side and the layout/colors are easy on my eyes. Love the little stars around our PRF and P name! Love "blogalicious" and of course, love that you called us brilliant (no overstatement!).

  7. Nice job Nicole! I like to link to Ragan as well and the list of most popular posts.

    The cool stuff you are talking about is my kind of thing!! You should see my phone, I never have enough widgets:)
