Nov 20, 2011

Video: The Ultimate Event Promo

A friend sent me the URL to this clip this morning: "I'm doing this next year. Wanna join?"

I won't share my response, but what immediately came to mind was how this video nailed the heart and soul of of the Tough Mudder event.

It's not exactly a social media-related event, but inspiration comes in various shapes and sizes. And on that note, I might just go out and find a puddle of mud this afternoon.


  1. Dear, dear Eric,
    It has been an absolute pleasure knowing you and learning from you. Your demise at such a.....mature age will surely be a shock to us all. We can only imagine the broken bones, neurological damage, frostbite and other inhuman aspects of your decrepit cadaver. Shocking! If you only listened to Allie, your faithful companion, soon to be an orphan. I hear that symptoms of early onset stupidity start with tight pants, poor sleeping habits, bad diet and a lack of healthy stimulation. Would your poor mother ever understand? No sir, she would not. How many hours did she perilously waver to bring you to life? And you decide to act upon some cavalier notion of manhood, in camouflage no doubt. Put your affairs in order. Kiss mommy goodbye and wave while I film every embarrassing moment to upload it to my Twitter account. Community involvement, truthful communication, SEO optimization and high definition video streaming for eternity. Bring it on!!! I'll be watching.

  2. My hubby was training for this tortuous event until he injured his knee. Eek!
