Nov 29, 2011

Xtranormal gives humor an abnormal edge

 Those who think Xtranormal's media applications are strictly informational better guess again. I found that these flat speaking robots cracked me up in a You Tube video entitled A Typical NYPD Auxiliary Conversation. The video revolves around two Xtranormal figures who satirically talk about the drawbacks of the NYPD Auxiliary.  Let me put it to you this way. This video will make you laugh. It will probably make you think twice about joining the NYPD Auxiliary. Furthermore, it will definitely show the Xtranormal medium can be used in an entertaining way. That's why I think there is more potential for this mode of communication than people realize. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Tom.

    With a little creativity and imagination, Xtranormal's platform has the potential to tap into any public relations, IMC or strategic communications program imaginable.

    And from the pure branded entertainment side, Xtranormal's truly unique robotic characters can embed themselves into virtually any brand or industry.
