Nov 27, 2011

Imaginative Marketing

I was thinking about the marketing efforts behind the album "Memoirs of An Imperfect Angel" by Mariah Carey. 

Her record label had the idea to incorporate her tastes with advertisements that were included inside the CD booklet.  It hadn't been done before and with the hit CD sales have taken, this was a great way to increase their return revenue. The 34 page mini mag used ads that fit in with her image and included: 

Elizabeth Arden ads        
The company that sells her perfume
Angel Champagne          
Limited production drink endorsed and invested in by Mariah with prices ranging from $800 - $400,000 a bottle
Carmen Steffens shoes   
Shoe line currently ranging from $59 - $140. Of course Mariah's shoes were $848 and adorned w/ Austrian crystals
Eleuthera, Bahamas       
Contest to win a trip to one of Mariah's favorite destinations

Brilliant.  By the way, I love this woman :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is innovative! It is the first time I see this!

    I think with the sales of CD that seems to decrease since many years, artists find ways to finance their albums with something else. Just like my post on Lady Gaga, she uses product placement as a way to finance her music videos.

    Thank you for sharing Melissa!
