Dec 3, 2011

‘62 Reasons’ Gets Integrated

Whilst investigating the IMC playing field this week I came across:  “62 Individual Reasons to Drink Coopers 62”  an integrated campaign granting the audience access to explore all 62 individual reasons to drink the beer, through a range of interactive and traditional channels.

The campaign has been executed across print, online, interactive billboards, Facebook & Twitter, online video and point-of-sale material within bottle shops, bars and clubs. 

The ad agency responsible for the campaign even created a new website allowing users to navigate through video of all the different reasons, explore them in more detail and share them directly through Twitter and Facebook.

I like the IMC component of the PR mix. Not only are there loads of really interesting tools to discover and play with, but with daily advancements in digital and social media – any idea can be brought to life, targeted and measured in really specific ways.

1 comment:

  1. This video is hilarious because before clicking on it, I was thinking... um... do you need a reason to drink beer? Then the video opens with the first few reasons, "It's Monday, It's Sunday, It's lunch time...." Exactly! No good reason needed. :)
