Dec 2, 2011

BE Comes to Life at NYU-SCPS (Part II)

NYUSCPS's first-ever Branded Entertainment 
course comes to a close
Students bring IMC to life with web series concepts for megabrands Axe and Starbucks 
(Part II )

(Part II) Starbucks introduces Sessions in the City, a web series of several chapters. The series will speak directly to our customers because the main characters are actual characterizations of people who drink Starbucks on a regular basis.

One of them is a successful businessman who speaks to the business professionals who lead successful lives with active social lives and status. The other character is a younger woman who represents the younger demographic -- the person who is looking to Starbucks not only for the coffee, but for the overall lifestyle/experience that comes while drinking the coffee.

Sessions in the City is an exciting new series that will continue to expand the Starbucks brand.* 

(* This is a fictional web series concept for Starbucks. The web series description was created by NYU-SCPS students as part of a final project for a Branded Entertainment class.)


  1. Congratulations Eric - your BE babies did great. I especially enjoyed the Starbuck series promo.

  2. That series promo was great! What an interesting idea for brandertainment.

  3. The Sessions In The City is a nifty branded entertainment idea. What's good about it is that the product is weaved into the social fabric of Starbucks. In other words, the focus is on the lifestyle of people drinking Starbucks Coffee. Not only is this angle interesting from a human interest point of view, but it avoids the problem of too conspicuous product placement.

  4. I can only be grateful that we didn't have to do that as well. PHEW!!! Your babies in BE are doing very well. Eric, you have a knack for this teaching gig. This is a second calling bub. Keep at it.
