Dec 7, 2011

Green Magazine: Blog Pick


Covering such topics as home energy efficiency, smart-grid appliances and how to get the most out of your Utility providers, The GreenHive Blog really is Honeywell’s Smart Technology Hub. 

Whether you’re an environmentally conscious consumer, a tech-head into all things digital or someone who simply wants to find ways to maximize savings – this blog comes highly recommended. 

And p.s..... the staff here at Green Magazine were most enthusiastic over The GreenHive Blog's current rebate promotion... see here for full details

 --- Editor, Green Magazine Online

1 comment:

  1. Nicole, if I didn't know better, I'd never guess that this post wasn't penned by the editor of Green Magazine Online.

    The crisp language, the clarity and the online writing style/technique all point to expertise that we would see from a seasoned online editor.

    Nice work.
