Dec 8, 2011

Cyber Monday Mayhem

Did you hear what happened to online retailer Bonobos on Cyber Monday? I'm not going to write it, but this headline says it all. 

I know it's not PRFandP Crisis Week, but this is a newsworthy example of how one company successfully handled an "epic fail."

Bonobos is currently in proactive fix-it mode, and they've been using the integrated communications approach to make sure their customers know where things stand.

This afternoon, I've received various communications from CEO & Co-Founder Andy Dunn via email, Facebook and Twitter, all leading to this well-crafted message on the Bonobos blog.

1 comment:

  1. What an effective way of handling this issue. This is a well written letter. After this, and Andy Dunn reaching out via email, fb and twitter, I would forgive them?!
