Dec 1, 2011

Why Iceland makes the ultimate public relations icebreaker

 When doing public relations, few things help more than having something truly unique to sell to the audience.
  I've noticed that Iceland is a subject which never fails to wow people. Over the years, many people have raved about how singular the place is. The country has striking geography, between fjords, glaciers, geisers, lava fields, volcanoes, geothermal eddies, and scenic mountains. Iceland is also famed for its long summer days, and brillant northern lights during its lasting winter nights. Its Viking heritage dates back to 874 A.D., the year the country was founded.  The nation's language has changed very little since then.
 Iceland is also noted for its unusual cuisine, clothing (especially colorful sweaters called lopapeysa), and the vibrant nightlife of its capital Rekjavik.  I never been to Iceland. Over the years, I've met about 10 people who have traveled there. They all told me about the great visit they enjoyed.
 When I was working at Passaic Valley Today newspaper, I interviewed a person over the phone who incidentally mentioned he went to Iceland.  We spent more than a half hour talking about the country. The man had spent about week in Iceland. Even though it was a year after his trip, he still got carried away when recounting the adventure. What impressed me is how moonstruck this person sounded when discussing Iceland's "fire and ice" landscape. His voice repeatedly bubbled with excitement when he described the glaciers, fjords, and volcanoes he saw. His awe reminded me of a scene in the original Adventures of Superman when George Reeves crashed through a wall, drawing utter surprise from the crooks.
 Do yourselves a favor and watch the Reykjavik, Iceland video. See for yourselves how such an imitatable place as Icleand makes such a standout public relations subject. Who knows? Maybe you'll be sold on travelling there someday.    


  1. That was a nice dose or Armchair Traveling, Tom. Thanks for sharing.

    Your post -- or, one word in your post headline, that is -- brings up a PR-related thought that's worth sharing: ICEBREAKER

    Discover the art of conversation -- live-and-in-person and digitally -- as one of your secret talents. Whether you're dealing with a reporter, blogger, a potential new client or anyone else, do your homework and have personal, tailored topics prepared to introduce and discuss during your interactions.

    If that's not possible, remember this: BE INTERESTING

    Get in the habit of browsing news headlines from a variety of industries (news aggregators like The Huffington Post, for example, are helpful). Be quasi-well-informed about what's going on so that you can introduce or contribute to a conversation. Like I said in our first PRFandP session, the best public relations professionals are smart ... well-informed.

    Plus, for those struggling "news angles," this is a helpful tip. The best way to understand newsworthiness is to read news headlines.

    And if you've been to Iceland, that's definitely something interesting. Pull out the topic, as needed.

  2. Interesting post, Thanks Tom and great content in Eric's comment too: Be informed, Be interesting but most of all Be You
