Dec 2, 2011

All I want for Christmas!!!

I am head over heels in love with Christmas. I have been since I was 2, and unlike most people my level of enthusiasm and excitement has actually grown with age. This season I was excited to see the collaboration of Mariah Carey and Justin Bieber on Carey's original "All I Want for Christmas." After our class two weeks ago, I couldn't help but be distracted by the brand placement and product placement throughout the video. I must admit, when the original song first came out, I too made a music video for the song in my basement (it was cool back then) and I personally my video was much better with out the obvious brand placement! In the latest rendition of the song, I am particularly partial to the Nintendo 3DS shot that just so happens to be strategically placed while Biebs is singing..."all I want for Christmas is you..." Coincidence? I think not.

What do you guys think?


  1. The Nintendo 3DS product placement may have been a wee-bit in-your-face, but it didn't bother me so much. There was a lot going on, and the Mariah Carey/Biebs duo even brought a holiday smile to this self-admitted Scrooge! (Kidding)

    The more effective, and subtle, brand integration is Macy's. There were a couple of 'Macy's' logo shots, but you can't get much better than having your brand present for the entire 4:13.

    As you look at this kind of BE, note the difference between product "placement" and product "integration."

    Emma, you mentioned something about your own video? Sharing is Caring, and it costs nothing to upload to YouTube ...

  2. I like the video because it made me feel upbeat about Christmas. I too wasn't bothered too much by the Nintendo 3DS product placement. The product was handily dwarfed by Carey and Bieber's act.
    The Macy backdrop felt organic because it blended into the festive aura of the Holiday season. In other words, a department store with Holiday trimmings, merchandise, and shoppers, naturally makes an excellent setting for a Christmas music video.

  3. Nice post, I hadn't seen this clip.

  4. Hey Emma! I was JUST about to post this on our video blog! Great minds... It makes sense to use Macy's because they carry her fragrances so I get the integration but sometimes being overloaded by promotion feels inauthentic. At least, it feels that way to fans :) Because fans tend to want to believe that celebrities aren't SELLING to us. That would feel impersonal. So seeing Macy's and knowing her fragrance is sold there and that she's been in their commercials, it comes off as a little "too much". Just some random thoughts. Not a criticism just an observation, as I would never criticize her since we know I LOVE HER! :D

  5. It is interesting that absolutely everything on their Christmas list could coincidentally be found at Macy's. I mean why wouldn't it? Mariah has been a Macy's spokesperson for quite some time and the recent addition, "the Biebs" is also featured in several Macy's commercials (one of which I posted last week--that is pretty freakin' funny). Well done Macy's. You've brainwashed consumers into flooding your stores once again, lol.
