Oct 31, 2011

It's a Bird ... It's a Plane ... It's Supermen

Eric Chandler: Pre-Op
Herbert Chavez: Post-Op
 Happy Halloween, PRFandP'ers!

Who wore it best? Even I have to vote for Superman-obsessed Herbert Chavez, the young man who has gone under-the-knife (several times) so that he could look like the Man of Steel.

Just a quick reminder that there will be no class tonight. Since we met on the NYU holiday, Columbus Day, please head out and enjoy your evening.

New PR is about sharing, and it would be great to see you -- in some kind of Halloween costume (past or present works).  It's not an assignment, per se, but consider it an unofficial extension of Assignment 4. 

Come on ... this will be fun. You are the news. Post your own Halloween photo, a snappy headline and the first paragraph of your Halloween press release.


  1. I was laughing SO hard after I saw your post! Great idea, I love it!

    Don't worry, you may not be as "cut" than him, but I think you mentioned you were tall right?...The presence is what's important anyway ;)

  2. What other class would give us an opportunity to see our professor dressed in a Halloween costume? Talk about breaking the ice, I love this!

  3. Yes, Josi, at right around 6'4, I definitely fall into the "tall" category.

    Is this breaking the ice? Perhaps. I like to view it as 'walking the walk and talking the talk.' How can I share the PR benefits of transparency and engagement if I don't do it myself?

    Plus, this is about learning new material -- and having a little bit of fun along the way.

  4. That's a great touch, Eric, you and the Superman costume. But I bet you didn't think of the full PR potential here. You can now start a strategic communications crusade about Truth, Justice, and The American Way. And man, you'll have the best reputation on the planet. No squishy concepts here. In fact, you as the Man of Steel image would be great for crowdsouricng, because you will be the source of the crowd.
    Just a little criticsm, I think image is key for winning the audience here. So next time, I want to see you in fully visible Superman tights, arms on hips, with the American flag in the background.
    And I think you need to do a social media campaign. Maybe podcasts of you doing wall crashes like the 1950's Adventures of Superman? We'll also have you do some rear car bumper grabs, and you picking up some crooks and conking them on the head.
    Throw in some dramatic landings with an accented whoosh and harps and horn fanfare flying scenes, and you'll be the biggest PR sensation from here to Krypton!
    P.S. Josi can do dubbing in French which would appeal to the Quebec market.
