Nov 5, 2011

Come to the dark side young Sonia……

star_wars_coffee_inhand I had no true knowledge about the field of public relations. I read passages from the Occupational Outlook Handbook, but it does not do any justice to the real profession. Now about  1/3 into the PRF&P class what can I say? What do I like or dislike? I don’t know. It’s too early for me.

Choosing one aspect over another doesn’t make any sense. In any field, there will be tasks that are boring or tedious (i.e. research, interviews, press releases). I realize I must accept it all. The light and the dark. In fact, it is not what I think of public relations but how I have started to change as a result of my participation in this class. Here are a few warning signs that I want to share with my classmates. Warning: if anyone experiences any of these symptoms please do not hesitate to call Eric. He is to blame. 

Signs that you are slowly becoming indoctrinated into the darkness that is public relations:

1. Albeit unemployed, and owe your boyfriend money for the mortgage, you surreptitiously buy a Smartphone for those public relations interviews. Be prepared!

2. You refuse to watch Matt Lauer in the morning for his glib remark about Starbucks campaign to help find jobs.

3. You shush your boyfriend during television commercials because you are conducting research.

4. You pitch personal branding ideas to your potted plants.

5 Family is worried, when you mention during Sunday dinner, how you could have changed the public image of Benedict Arnold.

6. Mom calls your brother to ask,”¿quièn es thought leader?” Is your sister now in a cult?


Enjoy your weekend everyone.


  1. Sonia you always make me laugh, lol :-D As I mentioned in a previous post I love lists so I had to respond!

    I also find myself doing some of the things you mentioned. I am constantly thinking about how I could change the public image of a troubled celebrity like Lindsay Lohan. Or, how I could spin a story to gain admiration and/or respect during a political campaign.

    Thanks to Eric we've all been brainwashed into drinking the PR Kool-Aid...cheers to you professor, cheers to you...;-)

  2. Sonia. The list of indoctrination signs just shows you are beginning to think and act like a PR person. That's good because it shows your grasp of PR and strategic communications is evolving.
    That transition is going to pay dividends when you land your next job. Even if that position isn't in public relations, your PRF&P learning will still benefit you. Chances are, there will be some PR component of your next job, and you'll be more suited to do it.
    I don't think what's happening to you "is being called by the dark side of PR." To me, the dark side of PR is using strategic communications for an evil or malicious purpose.
    Then again, you may reconsider the definition if your incessant PR behavior drives your boyfriend to yell at you like Chewbacca.

  3. OMG Sonia you crack me up! I love your sense of humor, definitely an asset. ("is your sister in a cult..") GOLD! I love your honesty. I agree, ths class has been a real eye opener in so many ways and it's only 1/3 of the way through!

  4. I guess I need to take it as some kind of warped compliment that some of you are adopting these new habit. That means I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing.

    Shayla, I say this with a big smile on my face, but I have to call you out on your use of the "S" word in your response above:

    "Or, how I could SPIN a story to gain admiration and/or respect during a political campaign."

    We're communication strategists. We don't spin. :)
