Nov 21, 2011

Reaction Marketing to present NYUM food festival



NYUFM  pic


Reaction Marketing is collecting data for an exciting new twist on New York City food festivals. We are happy to work with the New York Underground Market (NYUM) in the social media event of 2012. The New York Underground Market is a popular social food movement that is propelled by a social media strategy. NYUM will showcase the best known and unknown chefs; presenting their skills and food in over 50 food stalls. It will all be sourced locally from within the NYC tri-state region. Organic produce, meats and baked goods will be the highlight of the sustainable living theme throughout the event. The event is scheduled for July 6, 2012. Tune in a check out our webpages, Youtube channel and twitter account as the new year approaches.

In order for us to deliver the best food experience we can,  we need your help. Take a look at our Facebook page and take our poll. Tell us what you like in food festivals. The more we know, the more we can deliver.!/pages/New-York-Underground-Food-Market-market-research/225569910841323

(This is a fictitious ad for a bogus event but the data will help us in our project. Please take the poll on the Facebook page. Much thanks to all)

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