Nov 11, 2011

Sexy, sustainable, and natural: health and beauty products from the Amazon Rainforest


naturally amazonian #2

Ladies and gentlemen I introduce to you, Naturally Amazonian. Naturally Amazonian (NA) is a very small company (< 10 employees) that produces a line of luxury health and beauty products including shampoo, conditioner, and body lotions. The product line fits a niche in the health and beauty realm with products made with natural sustainable ingredients.

The line uses exotic oils from the cupuassu and andiroba plants. These oils absorb more moisture than the typical lanolin ingredients found in many beauty products. It makes your skin soft and supple.

Take a peek at the company website at and their Facebook page of the same name.

In light of some very interesting and exotic ingredients, the promotion of their products is lacking. Social media could help create brand presence and community involvement. A good campaign delivered in local outlets (NJ & NYC) could improve their profits.

I was thinking about Foursquare as an interesting social media application. Naturally Amazonian could create a travelogue that covers the products from cradle to grave. Follow the ingredients from the beautiful rainforest to your local stores. Imagine pictures and stories about the people and places affected by this business, all tied into NA’s Facebook and website. Of course, this is just a nudge in the ribs, to create community interaction within the aforementioned applications. They need a following, loyal customers who want to see these beauty products at their local Macy’s.

 So classmates, in the spirit of crowdsourcing, what content can draw people to these applications?  Should I limit the valuable keywords to natural, sustainable, beauty, and exotic or are their other things that I am missing? Please feel free to comment.




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