Dec 2, 2011

BE Comes to Life at NYU-SCPS (Part I)

I'm going to come clean:  I'm feeling proud today.

My Branded Entertainment class did final presentations last night. With six students and two finals groups, this was my inaugural class, after pitching the idea and developing the course from scratch.

Not to get all sentimental, but you never forget the "first" of anything. Your first date, first kiss, first apartment .. you get it.

How does this relate to PRFandP?  First, we've briefly covered how BE fits into the overall IMC mix. Next, being the "first" of anything often means that the topic is newsworthy.

NYUSCPS's first-ever Branded Entertainment 
course comes to a close
Students bring IMC to life with web series concepts for megabrands Axe and Starbucks 
(Part I)

(Part I): The web-series, Spritz, is a branded entertainment series which takes place in a fictional Axe office.  The series intends to deliver the “hit you over the head” message that Axe Body Spray will give you confidence and allow you to “hook up.”  

The series will be a comedy done in Xtranormal, with a deliberate emphasis on Axe products. Usage of conversational placement and product placement will be integrated throughout the series.   

The trailer episode features employees at Axe tasked with a project to create a dating game show themed around Axe Body Spray.*

(* This is a fictional web series concept for Axe Body Spray. The web series description was created by NYU-SCPS students as part of a final project for a Branded Entertainment class.)

1 comment:

  1. I'm not surprised that you would use the Xtranormal medium for branded entertainment purposes. I find the flat way the Xtranormal figures speak do get my attention immediately. I think an important value of any tactic is to get the person's attention quickly.
