Dec 9, 2011

Joe Harrell Concludes the PRFandP Guest Speaker Series

As if visual storytelling and a final presentation isn't enough, let's add one more piece to the mix: Not-for-Profit Communications, with a dash of modern-day technology, just for the fun of it. 

Joe is looking forward to meeting you all on Monday night.

Joe Harrell has been involved in digital product management, marketing and communications for nine years. He is currently Director of Online Product Management at WNET, as well as principal of the multi-platform marketing agency, Zeke Digital Group. In his position at WNET, he is responsible for the product life cycle of NYC ARTS (, as well as integration of NYC ARTS across all platforms of existing arts-focused WNET media properties.

As principal of Zeke Digital Group, Harrell helps businesses and nonprofit organizations decide how best to represent themselves and achieve their objectives in today’s complex and hyper-dynamic marketing world.

Previously, as Director of Marketing and Product Management at Alliance for the Arts, Harrell was responsible for the product life cycle of NYC ARTS and all other programs at the Alliance. While there, he was responsible for all off- and online communications and marketing initiatives, including marketing and communications with the general public, constituent and prospective cultural organizations, as well as with government and other thought leaders and policy makers. Primary outputs included market research, marketing analytics, online content, technology road map, brand strategy, and sponsorship revenue.

Before that, as Director, Corporate Communications at Time Warner Inc., Joe was responsible for Time Warner Corporate’s new media communications, including its corporate website,, and online employee communications.

Joe currently serves as Account Director for Taproot Foundation.

He earned Bachelor of Fine Arts from University of Michigan.


  1. I am looking forward to hearing Joe Harrell's Not-For-Profit communication's talk. It sounds like he has a lot of insights about today's (and even tomorrow's) PR field.
    My question, Eric, is what do you mean by hyper-dynamic marketing world? "Hyper-dynamic" sounds like one of those PR glitz words like "unique," and "revolutionary" which carry more fanfare than meaning. You'd be better off dropping hyperdynamic, and just sticking with complex marketing world. It just that, in PR writing, words like hyper-dynamic makes the reader feel like you are screaming for attention. It just doesn't feel natural.

  2. Tom, that's a great question for Joe on Monday evening.

    I didn't craft this language, so I couldn't agree with you more on hyper-dynamics. Joe supplied me with this version of his professional bio, so selective editing wasn't appropriate in this particular situation.

  3. I found Joe to be a good lecturer because he always had a lot on his mind. I could tell by his lengthy answers to my questions. I got the impression that he could have spoken for two hours on public relations and non-profits.
