Dec 6, 2011

Greenberry's From The Brim Of The Cup Blog Is Heating Up

(This is a mock blog exercise being done for a NYU-SCPS public relations course. The event is fictional and being done strictly for educational purposes) 

 Greenberry's Coffee And Tea Company announces its new coffee lifestyle blog: From The Brim Of The Cup. The blog revolves around the various encounters of Greenberry's coffee customers at its 14 cafes in Virgina, New Jersey,  and Louisiana. Blog followers will learn about the happy occasions that arise from having quality java in a congenial environment. Some examples are friends meeting long lost pals, marriage proposals, job offers, formation of new clubs, and the start of community crusades. Readers will see how people of all ages, and from all walks of life, are touched by the socially bonding experiences that begin with a cup of coffee.
 In addition, From The Brim Of The Cup will keep people posted on Greenberry's coffee promotions, and news of incoming brews. The blog will run features about coffee from different angles. Just a few are preparation techniques, history, popularity, and its role in public relations, the media and Hollywood.
 And let's not forget that Greenberry's keeps its scene sizzling aside from serving hot stuff.   Did you know our franchises spearhead charity drives, civic group get-togethers, and entertainent events? Greenberry's also hosts open mike nights, live bands, instrumentalist solos, poetry/literature recitals, and acting showcases. You'll discover more about these activities in From The Brim Of The Cup.
 Writ large: There's much more to the coffee experience than simply sipping a good cup. Check out the new blog at You will get the warm feeling that comes with sharing a word or two over coffee.


  1. I doubt the coffee wars are anything like you see in Manhattan. But just for the sake of curiosity, Tom, how far from Greenberry's is the nearest Starbucks?

  2. To Eric:

    The distance from Greenberry's from Starbucks is about three quarters of a mile. There's a Greenberry's in Wayne, NJ, at the Point View Shopping Center. The nearest starbucks is located to the southwest in Wayne's Preakness Shopping Center. You can drive between the two in a few minutes, factoring in the traffic light and seeking a parking space (The latter takes longer during Christmas shopping season.)
    It doesn't really matter. Starbucks is a galactic Titan compared to Greenberry's. They got more stores within 20 miles of where I live than Greenberry's has altogehter.
